I’ve been running competitively since 1997 and writing about the sport in various capacities since 2004. Over the course of my career in media I’ve interviewed and profiled many of the sport’s top athletes and covered hundreds of events, including the Boston Marathon, New York City Marathon and U.S. Olympic Trials on multiple occasions, as well as other major road races, professional track meets, ultramarathons, and a number of national championships. Most of my work has appeared in Competitor magazine (which became PodiumRunner and is now called Outside Run), where I worked as Senior Editor from 2010-2016, Runner’s World, New England Runner and Triathlete magazine. From 2004-2006 I was the running columnist at the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, where I also worked as a copy editor in the sports department. My first book, The Official Rock ‘n’ Roll Guide To Marathon and Half-Marathon Training, was published in 2013. These days, I write the morning shakeout, my weekly email newsletter for eclectically minded folks who appreciate insightful commentary on running and other worthwhile topics.
Here are some samples of my editorial work:
— 7 Habits of Highly Effective Runners, Medium
— Functional Form: 4 Fixes To Improve Your Running Mechanics, PodiumRunner
— Dylan Bowman: Bonafide Hustler, PodiumRunner
— Why I Run, PodiumRunner
— The Challenge of Enduring, PodiumRunner
— Higher Ground: Bros On A Mountain, PodiumRunner
— Chris Vargo Finding His Fix On The Trails, PodiumRunner
— The Mystique of Meb Keflezighi, PodiumRunner
— Meb’s Boston Win Powerful On Many Levels, PodiumRunner
— The Kenya Project: Desiree Linden Pulling Out All The Stops, PodiumRunner
— Cooling Effect: Lessons Learned On The Trail, PodiumRunner
— The Marathon’s Melting Pot of Emotions, PodiumRunner
— No Holding Down Amy Hastings, PodiumRunner
— NYC Marathon 2012: The Show Mustn’t Go On, ESPN
— Navigating The Running Shoe Maze, Triathlete
— Determining Your Long Run For Any Distance, Triathlete
— Leading Edge Rebecca Donaghue, Runner’s World
— In Memory: Larry Olsen’s Lifetime Love, Runner’s World
— When A Workout Is Going Badly, Runner’s World